How-to configure local Redis

How-to configure local Redis


You can use CoreOne with Redis as the store for task data. That should offload your MySQL instance and lead to better performance.

Step 1 - Local Redis installation

If you want to run Redis locally on Windows machine you have a few options available - Docker, virtual machine or paid solutions.

The easiest is to use Memurai (free for developer - not for production):

  1. Download Nuget https://www.nuget.org/packages/MemuraiDeveloper/

  2. Unzip it

  3. Go to tools folder

  4. Start memurai.exe (this is server process with Redis)

  5. Start memurai-cli.exe (this is command line interface you can use to communicate)

After that you should be able to use Redis with CoreOne. For that change the settings described in step 2.

Step 2 - Configure the CoreOne Suite to use Redis

To enable Redis you have to adjust the following settings in the moving_global.config_setting_value.

Setting TaskProgressUpdaterType (50)

Allows to log task progress to Redis or to MySQL instance

Value for

Value to configure

Value for

Value to configure





Setting TaskLockItemHandlerType (51)

Allows to store worklock items in Redis or in MySQL instance

Value for

Value to configure

Value for

Value to configure





Setting RedisConfiguration (52)

Configuration of your Redis instance. If you deployed Redis locally as described, you don’t need to change the default configuration.

Value for

52, RedisConfiguration

Value for

52, RedisConfiguration


{ "ServiceName": null, "ConnectionString": null, "ConfigurationChannel": null, "KeyPrefix": "iTsense.COS.Backend", "Password": null, "AllowAdmin": true, "Ssl": false, "ConnectTimeout": 5000, "SyncTimeout": 1000, "AbortOnConnectFail": false, "Database": 0, "Hosts": [ { "Host": "", "Port": 6379 } ], "ServerEnumerationMode": "All", "ServerEnumerationTargetRole": "Any", "ServerEnumerationUnreachableServerAction": "IgnoreIfOtherAvailable", "MaxValueLength": 4294967295, "PoolSize": 5, "ExcludeCommands": null, "SslProtocols": null }


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