Release 7.9 - Altenalptürm
CoreOne Application Service
A new setting has been introduced, to disable the calculation of resource assignments. If your current system meets the following conditions, please disable the calculation of resource assignments before you update:
You are updating from a version < 7.0
You are using nested roles
You have approval groups configured or are using resource assignment workflows
This is to prevent a timing issue than can cause the temporary removal and subsequent assignment of a resource which would trigger the approval process or the resource assignment workflow. Simply disable the calculation of resource assignments before you update, let the assignment task run once and then re enable the the calculation again.
INSERT IGNORE INTO setting_setting (id,setting_type_id,showOrder,multiple,user_setting_only,tenant_setting_only,name_key,mandatory,inheritable,`recursive`,setting_group_id,setting_group_module_guid,module_guid,allow_empty_value)
VALUES (3,7,3,0,0,1,'Module.DM.AccessManagement.DisableRoleResourceExecution',0,1,0,1,'CEA6338B-E7E8-46CD-817B-E82CCDC2AE00','CEA6338B-E7E8-46CD-817B-E82CCDC2AE00',0);
INSERT IGNORE INTO `setting_setting_value` (`tenant_id`,`security_user_id`,`setting_id`,`integer_value`,`text_value`,`decimal_value`,`string_value`,`blob_value`,`bool_value`,`dropdown_definition_id`,`setting_module_guid`,`uint_value`,`last_changed`) VALUES (1,0,3,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,'CEA6338B-E7E8-46CD-817B-E82CCDC2AE00',NULL,'2023-08-22 08:31:44');
After the Update you can re enable the setting with following query:
Update moving_appcustomer_900000.setting_setting_value Set bool_value = 0 where setting_module_guid = 'CEA6338B-E7E8-46CD-817B-E82CCDC2AE00' and setting_id = 3;
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