Release 4.6 - Albis
Release 4.6 - Albis
- .NET Core Runtime 2.1 (https://www.microsoft.com/net/download)
- .NET Framework Runtime 4.7.1 (https://www.microsoft.com/net/download)
Single Sign-On
- Further security optimizations have been implemented
- HTML placeholders can now be set on all registration attributes via configuration. A template adjustment is no longer necessary.
- Various security improvements have been implemented (XSS Attack Prevention, HSTS, etc.)
Identity Management
- In the provisioning configuration, employment specific attributes can be configured
- The AD attribute manager can be configured in the provisioning configuration
- The language is now stored as an attribute on the core identity. This allows greater flexibility in the configuration.
- Various new workflow activities are available, including activities for assigning roles and resources.
- Several new string expressions are available
- New activity for the unique check against third-party systems
Access Management
- Mass assignments can now be performed via Excel upload
- Assignment notifications can be turned on/off more granularly
- There is a new GUI for the target system links (Cross Domain Resource Assignments)
- Permit comments can be entered in a simplified manner
- Multiple assignments are now possible in several places
- The resource description in CoreOne Suite can be re-mapped and is no longer statically predefined
Computer Management
Computer Management
- The whole module has been revised and is now based on the same foundation as the Patch Management Orchestration module
Quell- and target systems
Skype for Business
- The SIP address of a user can now be entered automatically when the name is changed.
Microsoft Dynamics
Microsoft Dynamics
- Microsoft Dynamics can now be configured as a source system
CoreOne API
- A new method GetUserByEmail is available
- Various security improvements have been implemented (XSS Attack Prevention, HSTS, etc.)
General improvements
- The performance of all tasks has been optimized
- The Task Management GUI has been revised
- DropDown attributes can now be edited and managed directly in the GUI
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