Authentication Schemas


The CoreOne Authentication Servers acts as an Identity Provider (IdP) and supports various authentication schemas. When creating and managing a new Application or a new Client in the CoreOne Admin UI, you are presented with the choice of selecting an authentication schema. This page documents the supported authentication schemas.

OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect is an identity layer built on top of the widely used OAuth 2.0 protocol. It’s easy to use and adapted in many applications and services. The CoreOne Authentication Service supports all the features of both OpenID Connect as well as the underlying OAuth 2.0 protocol.


There are no known limitations.

SAML 2.0

The Security Assertion Mark-up Language 2.0 is an XML based standard for both authorization as well as authentication. The CoreOne Authentication Service can act as both the Service Provider as well as the Identity Provider. This let’s you easily integrate existing applications and infrastructure. If you are building a new application, we strongly recommend using OpenID Connect.


  • Only HTTP Redirect & HTTP POST binding types supported

  • SAML error responses not supported. Errors are not sent out of the CoreOne Authentication Server


WS-Federation is an identity federation specification and used in some products like Microsoft Sharepoint. The CoreOne Suite supports the specification although this is rarely used in practise.


  • No known limitations

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