Role claim configuration
The resources (permissions) assigned to an user will eventually be issued in the token. On the application level you can define in which claim this should happen. Within the role claim configuration, you can further define the format of those resources. You can add a list of claims and the appropriate format.
Whenever you are creating an new configuration entry in the UI, you have to provide the following data:
Property | Data Type | Mandatory | Example | Description |
| String |
| roles | The name of the claim where the resources are stored in. Typically either roles, role or groups. |
| Drop Down |
| List | Separated | The format
| String | Â | ; | The separator format |
If you choose List
, an example token will look like this:
"roles": [
If you choose Separated
and ,
as the Seperator
, an example token will look like this:
"roles": "Admin,PowerUser,Read"
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