CoreIdentitiesByValidEmploymentFilter (Version >= 8)
This filter gives access to core identities that have valid employment for the organization unit in the assignment context or its children.
new CoreIdentitiesByValidEmploymentFilter(null); new CoreIdentitiesByValidEmploymentFilter(5u);
The first parameter depth is a nullable uint, with the depth you can set how deep in the organization unit tree, the filter should check for active employments.
{ "$type": "iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService.CoreIdentity.Security.Filter.CoreIdentitiesByValidEmploymentFilter, iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService", "MaxDepth": null, "NotContains": false, "PropertyChain": { "$type": "System.String[], mscorlib", "$values": [ "CoreIdentityEmployments" ] }, "SubPropertyChain": { "$type": "System.String[], mscorlib", "$values": [ "OrganizationUnit", "Id" ] } }
GenericMyValidAssignmentFilter (preview)
This filter will give you access to entity only if you have valid assignment
new GenericMyValidAssignmentFilter<ICatalogToRoleAssignment, IRoleAssignment>(n => n.Role.RoleAssignments, n => n.CoreIdentity.Id)
The first generic is the type you want to give access.
The second generic is the type with assignments
The first parameter the chain to the assignment collection
The second parameter the chain core identity id property from assignment
{ "$type": "iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService.CoreIdentity.Security.Filter.GenericMyValidAssignmentFilter`2[[iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService.DataInterfaces.Servicedmcore.ICatalogToRoleAssignment, iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService],[iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService.DataInterfaces.Servicedmcore.IRoleAssignment, iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService]], iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService", "NotContains": false, "PropertyChain": { "$type": "System.String[], mscorlib", "$values": [ "Role", "RoleAssignments" ] }, "SubPropertyChain": { "$type": "System.String[], mscorlib", "$values": [ "CoreIdentity", "Id" ] } }
This filter will give you access to a core identity only when a valid role or resource assignment is present
new CoreIdentityValidAssignmentFilter<IResourceAssignment, uint>(c => c.ResourceAssignments, r => r.Resource.Id, 1)
The first generic is the type of the assignment to check
The second generic is the filter type to filter the assignments
The first parameter the chain to the assignment collection
The second parameter the chain to the filter for the assignment
The third parameter is the filter values that have to macht for the assignments
{ "$type": "iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService.CoreIdentity.Security.Filter.CoreIdentityValidAssignmentFilter`2[[iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService.DataInterfaces.Servicedmcore.IResourceAssignment, iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService],[System.UInt32, mscorlib]], iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService", "FilterValue": 1, "NotContains": false, "PropertyChain": { "$type": "System.String[], mscorlib", "$values": [ "ResourceAssignments" ] }, "SubPropertyChain": { "$type": "System.String[], mscorlib", "$values": [ "Resource", "Id" ] } }
This filter will give you access to a core identity only when the core identity has an attribute value that matches the filter
new CoreIdentityAttributeValueFilter<uint>(c => c.Attribute.Id, 1, StringFilterBehaviour.EndsWith, "li", "string")
The first generic is the type of the attribute id
The first parameter the chain to the attribute id
The second parameter the requested attribute id
The third parameter the requested search beavior
Equals - value 0
StartsWith - 1
EndsWith - 2
Contains - 3
The fourth parameter the search value
The fifth parameter the type of the serialized attribute value
{ "$type": "iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService.CoreIdentity.Security.Filter.CoreIdentityAttributeValueFilter`1[[System.UInt32, mscorlib]], iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService", "AttributeValueType": "string", "AttributeValueFilterValue": "li", "AttributeValueFilterBehaviour": 2, "FilterValue": 1, "NotContains": false, "PropertyChain": { "$type": "System.String[], mscorlib", "$values": [ "CoreIdentityAttributeValues" ] }, "SubPropertyChain": { "$type": "System.String[], mscorlib", "$values": [ "Attribute", "Id" ] } }