How-To enable a log file for the Self-Service Portal

How-To enable a log file for the Self-Service Portal


This article describes, how to enable a log file for the Self-Service-Portal for debugging purposes. This includes the activation of the logs and how to change the path of the log files.

Activate logs

Step 1 - Navigate to the web.config file

You have to navigate to the following path and open the web.config file:

C:\Programm Files\ITSENSE AG\SelfService

Step 2 - Make changes in the web.config file

Set the parameter stdoutLogEnabled on true in the web.config file.


You might need to stop the application pool in IIS before

Step 3 - Read your logs

Now the Self-Service-Portal is writing the logs in the specified path in the web.config file.

stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" />

Change path of the log-files

Step 1 - Create new folders

In the first step you have to create a new folder, where you want to safe your log files. Choose it where ever you want. Give this folder a name which makes sense. In this case we created a new folder on the drive “D:\” an named it “itsense”. In this folder you have to create another one which is named exactly like this: logs.

Step 2 - Change the configuration of the web.config file

Open the Server, where the CoreOne Suite Self-Service Portal is running on. Navigate to the path: C:\Program Files\ITSENSE AG\SelfService. Now open the “Web.config” file in Notepad, Notepad++ or an other text edit program. In this file you have to change the path for the log files. The new path must be exactly the same as you created in step one.

Change the path for the log file at “ stdoutLogFile=”.\logs\stdout” />

Step 3 - Change Privileges of the created folder

Open the properties of the main folder which you have created in step one. In this case it is the folder “D:\itsense“. Add the User which starts the App Service of the CoreOne Suite and give him all privileges.
You can proof which User needs to have the privileges. Just start the application “Services“ an search for CoreOne Suite - Core. The User which is deposit as “Log On As“ is the user which has to get all the privileges to the new folder. If you won’t do that the User can’t write in to the folder an you won’t have your log files.

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