The OleDbConnection Data Provider allows you to import Core Identities all available entities over a OleDbConnection. Such a connection can be used to access various sources such as CSV files and others.
Connection Info
For all entity parts you need to specify the connection information which contains the following parameters.
Parameter | Mandatory | Example | Description |
| ✅ |
| The OleDB Connection String |
| ✅ |
| The appropriate read mode
| ✅ |
| A Ole DB conform query to select all foreign ids |
| ✅ |
| A Ole DB conform query to select all needed properties of a given entitz |
Sample configuration
<ConnectionParameters> <CustomConnectionString>Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Git\Moving\CustomerProjects\DEV\DEV.Import.Test\OleDbTestData;Extended Properties="Text;HDR=YES;Format=Delimited(;);characterset=65001"</CustomConnectionString> </ConnectionParameters> <GetParametersByForeignIdCommand>SELECT [description] FROM [orgUnits.csv] WHERE [id] = '{0}'</GetParametersByForeignIdCommand> <ParametersReadMode>SingleLineWithHeaderAsKey</ParametersReadMode> <GetForeignIdsCommand>SELECT [id] FROM [orgUnits.csv]</GetForeignIdsCommand>
Example files
Core Identities
email;id;first_name;last_name;manager_short_name;short_name;valid_from;language;meal ww@ww.ww;ci1222;Wiww;Waww;wiwa;Wiwaww;01-01-2010;22;28 nn@mm.ll;ci7787;Tes;Ter;wiwa;Tetetete;01-01-2010;22;29
id;ciid;valid_from;valid_to;meal;address;e_number e23232;ci1222;01-01-2010;01-01-2030;28;testAddress2;1001
Organization Units
id;name;parent_id;description org1;Glorious Enterprise CSV-Maniac;;Small company that processes a lot of CSVs org2;Ride-a-taxi-with-CSV;;Great taxi service with comma separated vehicles org3;Pierogi u babuszki;;Babuszka i pierogi, złap życie za rogi! org4;沒人知道;; org5;Parent;;This is parent org6;Child;org5;And this is child
Note that you have to configure the schema.ini in the directory where the files are stored. A complete how-to can be found here: