System requirements CoreOne Suite Web Services


The CoreOne self-service and web portal is hosted on the CoreOne Web Services Server. It can be installed on a dedicated basis.

Minimum Hardware requiremens

  • 8 GB RAM 

  • 2 CPU-Cores with < 2.0 GHz 

  • C: Partition 60 GB (System)

Software requirements

  • Windows Server 2016 or higher

    • Standard or Datacenter

    • Desktop-Expirience enabled

  • IIS 10 or higher

  • Windows Features / Services

    • NET Framework 3.5 Features

      • Windows Communication Foundation HTTP Activation

      • Windows Communication Foundation Non-HTTP Activation

    • .NET Framework 4.6.x or higher Features

      • WCF Services

        • HTTP Activation

        • Message Quueing (MSMQ) Activation

        • Named Pipe Activation

        • TCP Activation

        • TCP Port Sharing 

    • Web Server (IIS)

      • Basic Authentication

      • Windows Autentication

      • Common HTTP Features

      • Security

      • Application Development

PowerShell Command

Call the Powershell about Server Manager - Tools - Windows PowerShell.

Windows Server 2012 R2 (deprecated)

Install-WindowsFeature Powershell, powershell-v2, powershell-ise, WEB-Server, web-basic-auth, web-windows-auth, web-common-http, web-security, web-app-dev, net-framework-features, net-framework-core, net-http-activation, net-non-http-activ, net-framework-45-features, net-wcf-msmq-activation45, net-wcf-pipe-activation45, net-wcf-tcp-activation45, NET-WCF-TCP-PortSharing45, web-asp-net, web-asp-net45, RSAT -Restart

Windows Server 2016

The .NET 3.5 Framework must be installed separately using the following instructions

$features = @("Powershell", "powershell-v2", "powershell-ise", "WEB-Server", "web-basic-auth", "web-windows-auth", "web-common-http", "web-security", "web-app-dev", "net-framework-features", "net-framework-core", "net-http-activation", "net-non-http-activ", "net-framework-45-features", "net-wcf-msmq-activation45", "net-wcf-pipe-activation45", "net-wcf-tcp-activation45", "NET-WCF-TCP-PortSharing45", "web-asp-net", "web-asp-net45", "RSAT") foreach($feature in $features) { Install-WindowsFeature -Name $feature }

Windows Server 2019

The .NET 3.5 Framework must be installed separately using the following instructions

$features = @("Web-Server", "Web-WebServer", "Web-Common-Http", "Web-Default-Doc", "Web-Static-Content", "Web-Http-Redirect", "Web-Performance", "Web-Stat-Compression", "Web-Security", "Web-Filtering", "Web-Basic-Auth", "Web-Windows-Auth", "Web-App-Dev", "Web-Net-Ext45", "Web-Net-Ext", "Web-AppInit", "Web-Asp-Net45", "Web-ISAPI-Ext", "Web-ISAPI-Filter", "Web-Mgmt-Tools", "Web-Mgmt-Console", "NET-Framework-45-Features", "NET-Framework-45-Core", "NET-Framework-45-ASPNET", "NET-WCF-Services45", "NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45", "NET-WCF-MSMQ-Activation45", "NET-WCF-Pipe-Activation45", "NET-WCF-TCP-Activation45", "NET-WCF-TCP-PortSharing45", "WAS", "WAS-Process-Model") foreach($feature in $features) { Install-WindowsFeature -Name $feature }

Windows Server 2022

The .NET 3.5 Framework must be installed separately using the following instructions

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