Configuration Set Templates


The configuration set template defines what attributes a user or another process has to provide while creation a Configuration Sets of a specific type. Furthermore the configuration set template contains all definitions of entities and their relationships that should be created for the specific configuration set.


The following entities can be instantiated:





Resource Definition

Create a new resource definition for each configuration set

Resource Definition Template

Create a new resource definition template for each configuration set

Identity Type Template

Create a new identity type template for each configuration set


The following relations can be created:





Organization Unit to Resource Definition Template

Assign the resource definition template to an organization unit

Resource to Identity Type

Assign a fixed resource to a fixed identity type for each member of the configuration set

Resource to Identity Type Template

Assign a fixed resource to a newly created identity type template for each member of the configuration set

Resource to Resource Definition Template

Assign a fixed resource to a newly created resource definition template

Resource Definition to Identity Type

Assign a fixed resource definition to a fixed identity type

Resource Definition to Identity Type Template

Assign a fixed resource definition to a newly created identity type template

Resource Definition Template to Identity Type

Create a new resource definition template and assign it to a fixed identity type

Resource Definition Template to Identity Type Template

Create a new resource definition template and assign it to a new identity type template

Resource Definition Template to Resource Definition Template

Create a new resource definition template and assign it another new resource definition template


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