API-V2 REST Error Handling

If an API request is incorrect, a 4XX or 5XX status is returned.

An error object with additional error information is returned as response content.


{ "error": { "status_code": [HTTP-StatusCode-Number], "code": "[HTTP-StatusCode-Text]", "display_message": "[Error Message]", "internal_message": "[Error Message]", "inner_errors": [], "details": { "context": { "app_customer_id": [AppCustomerID the request was made for], "app_customer_name": "[AppCustomerName the request was made for]", "tenant_id": [TenantId of the user that made the request], "tenant_name": "[TenantName of the user that made the request]", "user_id": [Id of the user that made the request], "user_name": "[Name of the user that made the request]", "route_template": "[The route-template used by the API]", "route_values": {}, "request_method": "[The current HTTP-Method]", "request_uri": "[The current request-URI]" } }, "_type": "[Full typeName of the exception]", "stack_trace": "[The Current StackTrace]" } }


{ "error": { "status_code": 400, "code": "BadRequest", "display_message": "Field core_identity_type.id2 not found on type ICoreIdentity", "internal_message": "Field core_identity_type.id2 not found on type ICoreIdentity", "inner_errors": [], "details": { "context": { "app_customer_id": 900000, "app_customer_name": "Default App Customer", "tenant_id": 1, "tenant_name": "Root", "user_id": 10, "user_name": "", "route_template": "apiv2/servicedmcore/coreidentity/{id}", "route_values": { "id": "20" }, "request_method": "GET", "request_uri": "https://localhost:8000/apiv2/latest/servicedmcore/CoreIdentity/20?fields=id%2cactive%2cforeign_id%2cci_given_name%2cci_family_name%2cci_private_address_line_1%2ccore_identity_type.id2" } }, "_type": "iTsense.Moving.Common.Exceptions.GeneralException", "stack_trace": " at iTsense..." } }

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