This filter will give you full access to the configured DB operation
new GenericFullAccessFilter<IRoleType>();
The first generic is the type you want to give access.
{ "$type": "iTsense.Moving.Backend.DataHandling.Security.Filter.GenericFullAccessFilter`1[[iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService.DataInterfaces.Servicedmcore.IRoleType, iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService]], iTsense.Moving.Backend.DataHandling", "ElementType": "iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService.DataInterfaces.Servicedmcore.IRoleType, iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService" }
This filter gives you permission for the entity type only when your core identity id is present in a related collection
new GenericMyCoreIdentityCollectionFilter<ICoreIdentityTypeAttributeMapping, ICoreIdentity>(ct => ct.CoreIdentityType.CoreIdentities, c => c.Id)
The first generic is the type you want to give access to.
The second generic is the type of item in the related collection.
The first parameter is the property chain to the collection
The second parameter is the property chain to the property that has to match your core identity id
{ "$type": "iTsense.Moving.Backend.DataHandling.Security.Filter.GenericMyCoreIdentityCollectionFilter`2[[iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService.DataInterfaces.Servicedmcore.ICoreIdentityTypeAttributeMapping, iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService],[iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService.DataInterfaces.Servicedmcore.ICoreIdentity, iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService]], iTsense.Moving.Backend.DataHandling", "NotContains": false, "PropertyChain": { "$type": "System.String[], mscorlib", "$values": [ "CoreIdentityType", "CoreIdentities" ] }, "SubPropertyChain": { "$type": "System.String[], mscorlib", "$values": [ "Id" ] } }
GenericMyCoreIdentityFilter / GenericMyCoreIdentityStringValueFilter
This filter gives you permission for the entity type only when your core identity id matches the value of the property chain
new GenericMyCoreIdentityFilter<IRoleAssignmentApproval>(i => i.CoreIdentity.Id))
The first generic is the type you want to give access to.
The first parameter is the property chain to the property that has to match your core identity id
{ "$type": "iTsense.Moving.Backend.DataHandling.Security.Filter.GenericMyCoreIdentityFilter`1[[iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService.DataInterfaces.Servicedmcore.IResourceAssignmentApproval, iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService]], iTsense.Moving.Backend.DataHandling", "NotContains": false, "PropertyChain": { "$type": "System.String[], mscorlib", "$values": [ "CoreIdentity", "Id" ] } }
This filter gives you permission for the entity type only when your user id is present in a related collection
new GenericMyUserCollectionFilter<IRoleClaim, IUser>(r => r.Users, u => u.Id)
The first generic is the type you want to give access to.
The second generic is the type of item in the related collection.
The first parameter is the property chain to the collection
The second parameter is the property chain to the property that has to match your user id
{ "$type": "iTsense.Moving.Backend.DataHandling.Security.Filter.GenericMyUserCollectionFilter`2[[iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.CoreLogin.DataInterfaces.Servicecorelogin.IRoleClaim, iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.CoreLogin],[iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.CoreLogin.DataInterfaces.Servicecorelogin.IUser, iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.CoreLogin]], iTsense.Moving.Backend.DataHandling", "NotContains": false, "PropertyChain": { "$type": "System.String[], mscorlib", "$values": [ "Users" ] }, "SubPropertyChain": { "$type": "System.String[], mscorlib", "$values": [ "Id" ] } }
GenericMyUserValueFilter/ GenericMyUserStringValueFilter
This filter gives you permission for the entity type only when your user id matches the value of the property chain
new GenericMyUserValueFilter<IUser>(u => u.Id)
The first generic is the type you want to give access to.
The first parameter is the property chain to the property that has to match your user id
{ "$type": "iTsense.Moving.Backend.DataHandling.Security.Filter.GenericMyUserValueFilter`1[[iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.CoreLogin.DataInterfaces.Servicecorelogin.IUser, iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.CoreLogin]], iTsense.Moving.Backend.DataHandling", "NotContains": false, "PropertyChain": { "$type": "System.String[], mscorlib", "$values": [ "Id" ] } }
This filter will give you no access to the configured DB operation
new GenericNoAccessFilter<IRoleType>();
The first generic is the type you want to give access.
{ "$type": "iTsense.Moving.Backend.DataHandling.Security.Filter.GenericNoAccessFilter`1[[iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService.DataInterfaces.Servicedmcore.IRoleType, iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService]], iTsense.Moving.Backend.DataHandling", "ElementType": "iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService.DataInterfaces.Servicedmcore.IRoleType, iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService" }
This filter will give you access to the entity type only when the value of the property chain matches the type and the value of one of the filter values
new GenericPropertyChainFilter<IActivityButton, bool>(m => m.AllowExecutionAsOwner, true)
The first generic is the type you want to give access to.
The second generic is the type of the filter values
The first parameter is the property chain to the property that has to match with your filter values
The second parameter is the filter values
{ "$type": "iTsense.Moving.Backend.DataHandling.Security.Role.SecurityRight, iTsense.Moving.Backend.DataHandling", "Filter": { "$type": "iTsense.Moving.Backend.DataHandling.Security.Filter.GenericPropertyChainFilter`2[[iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService.DataInterfaces.Serviceskynet.IActivityButton, iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService],[System.Boolean, mscorlib]], iTsense.Moving.Backend.DataHandling", "FilterValues": { "$type": "System.Boolean[], mscorlib", "$values": [ true ] }, "NotContains": false, "PropertyChain": { "$type": "System.String[], mscorlib", "$values": [ "AllowExecutionAsOwner" ] } }
This filter will give you permission to an entity only when you already have the permission for a related entity
new GenericSubFiltersFilter<ICoreIdentityAttributeValue, ICoreIdentity, IAttribute>(SecurityMode.Read, c => c.CoreIdentity, SecurityMode.Read, v => v.Attribute)
The first generic is the type you want to give access.
The second, and third,… generic the type of the related entity
The first parameter the DB operation you want to check
The second parameter the chain to the related entity
These pair of parameters will be for each related entity
{ "$type": "iTsense.Moving.Backend.DataHandling.Security.Filter.GenericSubFiltersFilter`3[[iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService.DataInterfaces.Servicedmcore.ICoreIdentityAttributeValue, iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService],[iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService.DataInterfaces.Servicedmcore.ICoreIdentity, iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService],[iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService.DataInterfaces.Servicedmcore.IAttribute, iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService]], iTsense.Moving.Backend.DataHandling", "ReferenceDtoType1PropertyName": "CoreIdentity", "ReferenceDtoType2PropertyName": "Attribute", "ReferenceDtoType1SecurityMode": 1, "ReferenceDtoType2SecurityMode": 1 }
This filter will give you access to a core identity only when the core identity has an attribute value that matches the filter
new CoreIdentityAttributeValueFilter<uint>(c => c.Attribute.Id, 1, StringFilterBehaviour.EndsWith, "li", "string")
The first generic is the type of the attribute id
The first parameter the chain to the attribute id
The second parameter the requested attribute id
The third parameter the requested search behavior
Equals - value 0
StartsWith - 1
EndsWith - 2
Contains - 3
The fourth parameter the search value
The fifth parameter is the type of the serialized attribute value
{ "$type": "iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService.CoreIdentity.Security.Filter.CoreIdentityAttributeValueFilter`1[[System.UInt32, mscorlib]], iTsense.Moving.Backend.Services.DmcoreService", "AttributeValueType": "string", "AttributeValueFilterValue": "li", "AttributeValueFilterBehaviour": 2, "FilterValue": 1, "NotContains": false, "PropertyChain": { "$type": "System.String[], mscorlib", "$values": [ "CoreIdentityAttributeValues" ] }, "SubPropertyChain": { "$type": "System.String[], mscorlib", "$values": [ "Attribute", "Id" ] } }