This article describes how you can configure the CoreOne Suite to manage when a User will get loged off for every client or for the whole CoreOne Suite.
It is posible to configure the lifetimes of any token for any client in the Web-GUI. For that, navigate to following page in the CoreOne Suite: SSO → Application → CoreOne Suite → Choose any client that you want to configure (Pencil-button on the right side of the client).
You can configure the lifetime of following 4 types of tokens:
The identity token is used, that the CoreOne Suite knows that the user is authenticated. You will get this token after you started an session.
Access token:
The access token is used for getting access to the client if an specific user. You will get this token after the login to the CoreOne Suite.
Authorizationcode token:
Sliding refresh token:
This is used to refresh you’r identity and access token when they expire. So you can stay logged in, because you will get a new token.
Logout while inactive
We’re able to set a specific time when the user should get logged off while he was inactive. Inactive means, that the user won’t execute any process in the CoreOne Suite in a period of time. You can set this parameter in the following .json file: FrotendWeb_ApplicationConfiguration.json
This file is in the following path: C:\ProgrammData\itsense\Configuration\FrotendWeb_ApplicationConfiguration.json
SSO Cockie
We cna set the Time-out lenght of the session cockie from the “Authentication Service“. This is configured in the IIS (Internet Information Services).
To set the time-out time navigate to following page in the IIS: Sites → CoreOne Authentication Service → Session State
On the bottom of this page you will see the the configuration for the Time-out (in minutes). Here you can set the time, how long this SSO cockie should be valid.