Whenever you are creating or updating an emplyomentemployment, you have to specify the following properties:
If a person has more than one employment, there is often a need to determinate its main employment. This is can be used in many places such as mappings. For example a Core Identity can have two emplyoments employments but you would like to provision its job title to a target system. In order to determinate the job title, the main employment is used.
Main Employment is set
Order by
Valid From and not expired
Has valid to
Valid to
The actual implementation might clear up any remaining questions:
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return employments .Where(a => a.EmploymentState.Id != (uint)CoreIdentityEmploymentStates.Deleted) .OrderByDescending(a => a.EmploymentState.Id) .ThenByDescending(a => a.MainEmployment) .ThenByDescending(a => a.ValidFrom <= DateTime.Now && (!a.ValidTo.HasValue || a.ValidTo.Value >= DateTime.Now.Date)) .ThenByDescending(a => a.Percentage) .ThenBy(a => a.ValidFrom) .ThenBy(a => a.ValidTo.HasValue) .ThenBy(a => a.ValidTo) .ThenBy(a => a.Id); |
For further information there are also how-tos related to this topic: