Property | Data Type | Mandatory | Example | Description | |||||
| String |
| The name of the external provider | ||||||
| String | Enables user to login with their Google accounts | Description of the external provider | ||||||
| Translation Key | Customer.ExternalIdentityProvider.Google.Description | A translation key to translate the description in different languages | ||||||
| String | Used to display the external identity provider to users | |||||||
| String | Customer.ExternalIdentityProvider.Google.Displayname | A translation key to translate the display name in different languages | ||||||
| Drop Down |
| Choose any of the available logos | ||||||
| Drop Down |
| Active | Usually active or inactive | |||||
| Drop Down |
| GoogleOAuthProviderOptions | Depending on the external providers technology:
They all but one represent the Unless stated otherwise, they represent ASP.NETCore Connection Options. For further details see their appropriate documentation such as https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.authentication.openidconnect.openidconnectoptions?view=aspnetcore-6.0 | |||||
| String |
| A simple example for the | ||||||
| String |
| This name will be used in the callback url i.e. https://idp.coreone.ch/callback/google | ||||||
| String |
| Those addresses will be added to the Content Security Policy in order to allow a form submit to and from those pages. | ||||||
| Boolean |
| When a user can be merged with an existing user, this boolean indicates whether or not the user should be asked to do so. |