Whenever you are creating or updating an emplyomentemployment, you have to specify the following properties:
If a person has more than one employment, there is often a need to determinate his its main employment. This is can be used in many places such as mappings. For example a Core Identity can have two emplyoments employments but you would like to provision his its job title to a target system. In order to determinate the job title, the main employment is used.
The rules to choose the main employment are as following:
Only consider employments, which are not in state “deleted”, then:
Main Employment is set
Order by
Valid From and not expired
Has valid to
Valid to
The actual implementation might clear up any remaining questions:
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return employments .Where(a => a.EmploymentState.Id != (uint)CoreIdentityEmploymentStates.Deleted) .OrderByDescending(a => a.EmploymentState.Id) .ThenByDescending(a => a.MainEmployment) .ThenByDescending(a => a.ValidFrom <= DateTime.Now && (!a.ValidTo.HasValue || a.ValidTo.Value >= DateTime.Now.Date)) .ThenByDescending(a => a.Percentage) .ThenBy(a => a.ValidFrom) .ThenBy(a => a.ValidTo.HasValue) .ThenBy(a => a.ValidTo) .ThenBy(a => a.Id); |
For further information there are also how-tos related to this topic: