Table of Contents | ||
WMI Check connection Activity
Es wird geprüft, ob zu der Maschine eine Verbindung über WMI aufgebaut werden kann
It is checked whether a connection to the machine can be established via WMI.
WMI must be configured on the machine and authorized accordingly
Powershell Activity
Führt ein Powershell-Skript auf dem Systemkonnektor aus
Remote Powershell Activity
Parametername | Angabe erforderlich | Mögliche Werte | Beschreibung |
Benutzername | Nein | Alphanumerisch | Benutzername für die Verbindung |
Passwort | Nein | Alphanumerisch | Passwort für die Verbindung |
Authority | Nein | Alphanumerisch | Authority für die Verbindung |
Timeout | Nein | Zahl | Sekundenangabe, wie lange auf den Verbindungsaufbau gewartet werden soll, bis der Versuch abbricht |
Eventlog-Eintrag überprüfen Activity
Es wird im Application und System Eventlog nach einem Eintrag geprüft
WMI muss auf der Maschine konfiguriert und entsprechend berechtigt sein
Windows-Service überprüfen Activity
Es wird geprüft, ob ein Windows-Service gestartet ist
WMI muss auf der Maschine konfiguriert und entsprechend berechtigt sein
Windows-Reboot Activity
Die Maschine wird neugestartet
WMI muss auf der Maschine konfiguriert und entsprechend berechtigt sein
Specification required | Possible values | Description | |
Username | No | Alphanumeric | Username for the connection |
Password | No | Alphanumeric | Password for the connection |
Authority | No | Alphanumeric | Authority for the connection |
Timeout | No | Number | Seconds specification how long to wait for the connection to be established before the attempt is aborted |
Check event log entry Activity
It is checked in the application and system event log for an entry
WMI must be configured on the machine and authorized accordingly
Parametername | Specification required | Possible values | Description |
Username | No | Alphanumeric | Username for the connection |
Passwort | No | Alphanumeric | Password for the connection |
Authority | No | Alphanumeric | Authority for the connection |
Event-ID | No | Number | Event ID of the event entry |
Source | No | Alphanumeric | Source of the event entry, e.g. IIS |
Message | No | Alphanumeric | Text that must be present in the event entry. Placeholders from the WQL can be used such as '%'. The text will be added with the placeholder '%' before and after the text when searching. |
Review past hours | Yes | Numeric | Specified in hours. Restricts the search range to the maximum entered past hours. For performance reasons, it is recommended that you enter a number of hours here, as this can significantly restrict the range to be searched. |
Throw error if event exists | No | Checkbox | If this flag is set, the activity will not fail if no event log entry is found, but if one is present. |
Windows-Service Check Activity
It is checked whether a Windows service is started
WMI must be configured on the machine and authorized accordingly
Parametername | Specification required | Possible values | Description |
Username | No | Alphanumeric | Username for the connection |
Password | No | Alphanumeric | Password for the connection |
Authority | No | Alphanumeric | Authority for the connection |
Service name | Yes | Alphanumeric | The name of the service. The display name must not be used here. |
Windows-Reboot Activity
The machine is restarted
WMI must be configured on the machine and authorized accordingly
Parametername | Specification required | Possible values | Description |
Username | No | Alphanumeric | Username for the connection |
Password | No | Alphanumeric | Password for the connection |
Authority | No | Alphanumeric | Authority for the connection |
Force | Yes | Yes / No | Forces a restart and takes no account of still running programs and open sessions |
Timeout | No | Numeric | Specify in seconds. Defines the maximum time that may elapse until all specified services are restarted before the activity terminates. |
Services to be reviewed | No | Alphanumeric | With the separator ; different service names can be specified, these are then checked whether they are started again. Only then this activity is completed. |
Powershell Activity
Runs a Powershell script on the system connector
Parametername | Specification required | Possible values | Description | ||||||||
Script | Yes | Alphanumeric | Powershell code to be executed. The following placeholders can be used:
| ||||||||
Zu ladende Powershell-Module | No | Alphanumeric | Powershell modules to load before running the script, for example, ActiveDirectory to use the Active Directory command set. | ||||||||
Zu ladende Powershell-SnapIns | No | Alphanumeric | Powershell SnapIns to load before running the script. Multiple SnapIns can be specified with the ; or , delimiter character. | ||||||||
Erwartetes Resultat | No | Alphanumeric | If specified, checks if the expected result matches the one returned by the script. Throws an error if this is not true. | ||||||||
Script Timeout | No | Numeric | Specified in seconds. If the runtime of the script exceeds the specified timeout value, the script is aborted with an error |
Remote Powershell Activity
Führt ein Powershell-Skript per Remote auf der angegebenen Maschine aus
Remote powershell scripts must be able to run on the target machine.
Parametername | Angabe erforderlich | Mögliche Werte | Beschreibung | |||||||||
SkriptScript | JaYes | Alphanumerisch | Powershell-Code, der ausgeführt werden soll | |||||||||
Zu ladende Powershell-Module | Nein | Alphanumerisch | Powershell-Module, die vor dem Ausführen des Skripts geladen werden sollen, z.B. ActiveDirectory, um den Active Directory-Befehlssatz verwenden zu können | |||||||||
Erwartetes Resultat | Nein | Alphanumerisch | Wenn angegeben, prüft ob das erwartete Resultat mit dem zurückgegebenen des Skripts übereinstimmt. Wirft einen Fehler, wenn dies nicht zutrifft. | |||||||||
Shell Uri | Nein | Alphanumerisch | Angabe der Shell URI, die bei der Remote Powershell auf der Zielmaschine eingestellt wurde. Nimmt die Default Shell URI, wenn nichts angegeben wird. | |||||||||
Anwendungsname | Nein | Alphanumerisch | Angabe des Anwendungsnamen, die bei der Remote Powershell auf der Zielmaschine eingestellt wurde. Nimmt den Default Anwendungsnamen, wenn nicht angegeben wird. | |||||||||
Authentisierungsmethode | Ja | Auswahl | Auswahl der Authentisierungsmethode, um sich bei der Zielmaschine anmelden zu können | |||||||||
SSL verwenden | Ja | Ja / Nein | Auswahl, ob die Verbindung zur Remote Powershell per SSL aufgebaut werden soll | |||||||||
Powershell Port | Nein | Numerisch | Angabe eines Powershell Ports, falls dieser vom Default geändert wurde | |||||||||
Computername | Nein | Alphanumerisch | Angabe der Zielmaschine, auf der das Powershell Skript ausgeführt wird. Wird kein Name angegeben, wird das Skript auf der aktuellen Maschine ausgeführt, bei der sich die Aktivität befindet | |||||||||
Script Timeout | Ja | Numerisch | Angabe in Sekunden. Überschreitet die Laufzeit des Skripts den angegebenen Timeout-Wert, wird das Skript mit einem Fehler abgebrochenAlphanumeric | Powershell code to be executed The following placeholders can be used:
| ||||||||
Powershell modules to load | No | Alphanumeric | Powershell modules to be loaded before running the script, e.g. ActiveDirectory to be able to use the Active Directory command set | |||||||||
Powershell SnapIns to be loaded | No | Alphanumeric | Powershell SnapIns to load before running the script. Multiple SnapIns can be specified with the ; or , separator. | |||||||||
Expected result | No | Alphanumeric | If specified, checks if the expected result matches the one returned by the script. Throws an error if this is not true. | |||||||||
Shell Uri | No | Alphanumeric | Specifies the shell URI that was set for the remote Powershell on the target machine. Takes the default shell URI if nothing is specified. | |||||||||
Application name | No | Alphanumeric | Specifies the application name that was set in the remote Powershell on the target machine. Takes the default application name if not specified. | |||||||||
Authentication method | Yes | Selection | Selection of the authentication method to be able to log in to the target machine | |||||||||
SSL use | Yes | Yes/ No | Selection of whether the connection to the remote Powershell should be established via SSL | |||||||||
Powershell Port | No | Numerisch | Specifying a Powershell port if it has been changed from the default one | |||||||||
Computername | No | Alphanumeric | Specifies the target machine on which the Powershell script will be executed. If no name is specified, the script is executed on the current machine where the activity is located. | |||||||||
Script Timeout | Yes | Numeric | Specified in seconds. If the runtime of the script exceeds the specified timeout value, the script is aborted with an error |