Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


For the backend, the settings are stored in the database.

Code Block
update config_setting_value 
set int_value  = 0
where config_setting_code_id  "UseOpenTelemetry": false,
  "OpenTelemetryCollectorEndpoint": "",
  "OpenTelemetryCollectorMetricsEndpoint": "",
  "OpenTelemetryCollectorHeaders": "Authorization=Basic NjkyODA0OmV5SnJJam9pWXpGbFl6QTFOMlV3TkRBM1l6WTJZamMwT1RBNVpUSm1ZelV3TjJVMFpURmhPVGsxWVdVMVppSXNJbTRpT2lKRVpYWk5aWFJ5YVdOelVIVmliR2x6YUdWeUlpd2lhV1FpT2prd01EUTVPSDA9",
  "OpenTelemetryCollectorProtocol": "HttpProtobuf"= 54;

update config_setting_value 
set string_value = 'http://localhost:4318/v1/traces'
where config_setting_code_id = 55;

update config_setting_value 
set string_value = ''
where config_setting_code_id = 56;

update config_setting_value 
set string_value = 'HttpProtobuf'
where config_setting_code_id = 57;

update config_setting_value 
set string_value = 'http://localhost:4318/v1/metrics'
where config_setting_code_id = 58;

Step 3 - Restart

After you have applied the settings, you will need to restart the appropriate parts.
