Each of the frontends has an application configuration file in C:\ProgramData\itsense\Configuration
These are the files that matter:
Application Part | File |
Auth |
Selfservice Portal |
Admin UI |
Admin UI v2 |
In that file, you can add the following settings (by using Machine Crypto
of COS Configuration Manager) :
Code Block |
"UseOpenTelemetry": true, "OpenTelemetryCollectorEndpoint": "https://otlp-gateway-prod-eu-west-2.grafana.net/otlp/v1/traces", "OpenTelemetryCollectorMetricsEndpoint": "https://otlp-gateway-prod-eu-west-2.grafana.net/otlp/v1/metrics", "OpenTelemetryCollectorHeaders": "Authorization=Basic NjkyODA0...2prd01EUTVPSDA9", "OpenTelemetryCollectorProtocol": "HttpProtobuf" |
Simple Simply enable OpenTelemetry and configure the appropriate endpoints, headers and the protocol.
Please note that OpenTelemetryCollectorHeaders
contains how we authenticate to the telemetry system. This can be a Bearer Token, Basic Auth or an API key. It may also be empty if no authentication is needed.
Info |
In order for changed settings to take effect, the corresponding App Pool needs to be recycled! See https://itsense.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IKB/pages/2811527209/How-to+enable+application+tracing#Step-3---Restart |
For the backend, the settings are stored in the database.
After you have applied the settings, you will need to restart the appropriate partscorresponding parts:
For Frontend Applications, the Application Pools within IIS need to be recycled
For Backend / WF Runner, the corresponding services need to be restarted.