Some systems like Active Directory allow the nesting of resources. This can also be managed by the CoreOne Suite in the same fashion as identity resource assignments. As any other assignment, this assignment consists of a valid from, a valid to, an assignment reason and other information.
Approval Groups
If there is a need for an identity resource assignment to should be be approved by anyonerestricted by an approval process, you can configure an approval group for the specific resource. You can simply add a group and choose if anyone of the group, or just someone of the group needs to approve the assignment. Any subsequent assignment to the resource is the subject to the approvaluse the tab Approval Groups tab to add, remove, and configure https://itsense.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IKB/pages/280887357/Approval+groups?atl_f=content-tree for the resource. Once configured, any future assignment of the resource is thereafter subject to the approval of these groups.
Each resource can have a list of attributes depending on the Resource TypeResource Type associated to the resource. Those attributes can then be used in other processes and workflows.