Property | Data Type | Mandatory | Example | Description |
| String | | "Server=localhost;Port=3306;Database=moving_appcustomer_900000;User=dbuser;Password=aaadsfef;"
| The connection string to the database |
| String | | "Server=localhost;Port=3306;Database=moving_appcustomer_900000;User=dbuser;Password=aaadsfef;Allow User Variables=True"
| The connection string to access the Hangfire database |
| Boolean | | false
| Whether or not to use Redis for locking |
| Boolean | | false
| Whether or not to use Redis for cache signaling |
| String | | | The connection string to RabbitMQ |
| String | | | The connection string to Redis |
| API Endpoint iTsense.ElsaWorkflow.Runner.Configuration.EndpointConfiguration
| | Code Block |
| [
"IpAddress": "",
"Port": 9001,
"StoreName": "My",
"StoreLocation": "LocalMachine",
"CertificateSubjectName": "Default.Communication.CoreOne.ITSENSE.local"
] |
| A list API endpoints under which the API will be hosted |
| Application Service Api Configuration iTsense.ElsaWorkflow.Runner.ConfigurationApplicationServiceApiConfiguration
| | Code Block |
| {
"Authority": "https://coslogin.local:5000",
"ApiBaseUri": "https://localhost:8000/apiv2",
"ClientId": "cos_workflowservice",
"ClientSecret": "secret",
"Username": "elsa_workflow_api_user",
"Password": "asdfasdf",
"AccessDeniedReplacementString": ">>AccessDenied<<",
"ExplodeFlatChainProperties": true
} |
| The configuration of how to access the Application Service API |
| String WorkflowFaultedInfo
| | "655cc169cfcb4e11b613430a15cc40b6"
| A workflow instance ID that will be executed each time a workflow fails. This can be user to configure notifications. |
| SMTP Options Elsa.Activities.Email.Options.SmtpOptions | | Code Block |
| {
"DeliveryMethod": "Network",
"Host": "localhost"
} |
| If there is no connection to the Application Service but you still would like to send email like the faulted notifications, you can configure alternative SMTP settings. |
Code Block |
EncryptionOptions |
| iTsense.Elsa.Persitence.EntityFramework.MySql.EncryptionOptions | | Code Block |
"Key": "min32LongStringThatWillBeGenerateFromTheInstaller",
"Enable": true
} |
| Available only from Version > 8.1. This encryption option is used to encrpy the data column of a workflow instance. Do not change this key ever after an installtion. |
| unit? | | 30 | How old a workflow instance is allowed to be before it will be deleted. When the setting is not present, null or 0 the system will take the default value of 30 days. |