Versions Compared


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System connector method

SQL command type

Input parameters

Excepted return value


SQL CreateResource

Stored procedure

  • Resource attributes, parameter names are taken from target_system_property_name in the system_resource_type_attribute table

    Unique identifier of the resource from the target system

Creates the resource in the target system

SQL GetResourceParameters

Select query (function)

  • SQL replacement for resource identifier: {RESOURCE_ID}

  • SQL replacements for resource attributes: {target_system_property_name}

  • All resource parameters from the SELECT query

Returns all the resource parameters of a resource

SQL CheckResourceExists

Select query (function)

  • SQL replacement for resource identifier: {RESOURCE_ID}

  • SQL replacements for resource attributes: {target_system_property_name}

  • Result row(s) or nothing

Checks if the resource in the target system exists, if rows are returned → true, else false

SQL UpdateResource

(→ calls SQL GetResourceParameters)

Stored procedure

  • Resource identifier: RESOURCE_ID

  • Resource attributes, parameter names are taken from target_system_property_name in the system_resource_type_attribute table


Updates a resource with the attribute values

SQL DeleteResource

Stored procedure

  • Resource identifier: RESOURCE_ID


Deletes a resource in the target system

SQL GetResources

Select query (function)

  • SQL replacement for system resource type: {SYSTEM_RESOURCE_TYPE_ID}

  • SQL replacements for the search value: {textPattern}

  • SQL replacements for maximun amount of results returned: {maxResults}

  • Result row rows with the resource identifiers that were found with the column name RESOURCE_ID

  • Recommended to send back a column named RESOURCE_DISPLAYNAME to represent the readable name of the resource

Returns resources of a specific system resource type, filtered by the text pattern and limited by the max results value

SQL IsResourcePropertyValueUnique

Select query (function)

  • SQL replacement for unique property: {UNIQUEPROPERTY}

  • SQL replacement for unique property value: {UNIQUEPROPERTYVALUE}

  • SQL replacement for system resource type: {SYSTEM_RESOURCE_TYPE_ID}

  • Result row(s) or nothing

Checks if a property value is unique in the target system.

There are 3 cases that gets checked to determine if the property value is unique:

  • Returing more than one row:

    • Not unique → false

  • Returing 1 row:

    • If property value is on the user with the given user object id → Is unique → true

    • If the property value is on another user → Is unique → false

  • Returning now rows:

    • Is unique → true
