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CoreOne Suite Security Role

Access Level inside CoreOne Suite

Available in version


CoreOne Suite Administrator

Full Access

>= 4.0

Full access to the whole CoreOne Suite

CoreOne Suite Approvals

Access to approval requests where the assignee is involved

>= 5.1

Assign this role to users that need to take part in an approval process.

CoreOne Basic Access

General login access

>= 7.0

Allows a user to use his SSO account

CoreOne Suite Computermanagement Admin


< 7.0


CoreOne Suite DHCP Administrator


< 7.0


CoreOne Suite Legal Entity Activate

Activate a legal entity button

>= 7.0

Allows a user to activate a legal entity in the CoreOne Self-Service Portal

CoreOne Suite Legal Entity Confirm Changes

Confirm changes to a legal entity

>= 7.0

Allows a user to confirm changes to a legal entity in the CoreOne Self-Service Portal

CoreOne Suite Legal Entity Delete

Access to legal entities in which context the security role is assigned to

Delete rights to legal entities in which context the security role is assigned to

>= 7.0

Allows a user to delete a legal entity for which this security rule is assigned to

CoreOne Suite Legal Entity Edit

Access to legal entities in which context the security role is assigned to

Update rights to legal entities in which context the security role is assigned to

>= 7.0

Allows a user to update a legal entity for which this security rule is assigned to

CoreOne Suite Legal Entity Employment Create

Access to legal entities in which context the security role is assigned to

Create rights to employments in which context the security role is assigned to

Read rights to all employment types

>= 7.0

Allows a user to create new employments for the the legal entity for which this security rule is assigned to

CoreOne Suite Legal Entity Employment Delete

Access to legal entities in which context the security role is assigned to

Delete rights to employments in which context the security role is assigned to

Read rights to all employment types

>= 7.0

Allows a user to delete an employments for the the legal entity for which this security rule is assigned to

CoreOne Suite Legal Entity Register

Read rights to organization unit types

>= 7.0

Allows a user to create a new legal entity in the state of activation pending

CoreOne Suite Manage My Resources

Manage the users resources.

> 5.14

Gives access to all resources where the current user is set as an owner and allows to manage the memberships.

CoreOne Suite Manage My Roles

Manage the users roles.

> 5.14

Gives access to all roles where the current user is set as an owner and allows to manage the memberships.

CoreOne Suite Manage Representations

Full access to representations where he is apart of

Full access to representation relationships where he is apart of

>= 7.0

Allows the user to create and manage representations and delegations

CoreOne Suite OpenID Service

>= 7.0

CoreOne Suite Patch Management Admin


< 7.0


CoreOne Suite Patch Management User


< 7.0


CoreOne Suite Shop

Access to see the Shop Module in the Portal

>= 8.0

Gives access to see the Shop Module in the Portal. You still need to configure the appropriate catalogs so that user actually can order things.

CoreOne Suite Self-Service User

Access to the Self-Service Portal

Access to his own Core Identity

Access to his own Identities

Access to orderings and approvals

>= 4.0

Gives users basic rights to perform actions like resetting the password for his own accounts or ordering a role for himself

CoreOne Suite Service Desk

Access to basic Identity Management and Management Features

>= 4.0

Can be used to give Service Desk employees basic rights such as seeing all employees, reset passwords and so on.

CoreOne Suite Read Core Identities from Organization Unit

Read access to all core identities that have an valid employment to the ogranization unit in the context or at a child organization unit.

>= 8.0

This security role needs at least one assignment context of the type organization unit.

This organization unit will be used as a root from where you are allowed to read the core identities.


This security role does not give any security rule groups only data access permission to the core identity.

CoreOne Suite Read Assignable Roles

Read access to all roles where you have at least one valid catalog assignment to.

>= 8.0

Allows you to read all roles where you have at least one valid catalog assignment.


This security role does not give any security rule groups only data access permission to the role.

Data Access Permissions

Data access permissions are configured by specifying the entity type, a security mode and a security filter. The entity type defines to which entity, i.e. a Core Identity or a Role, a user has access to. The security mode defines the nature of the access such as read, write, delete or similar. And finally the security filter specifies which conditions have to be met in order to give access. This can be anything from full access to only if a specific condition is met. You will find more on that in the section. But it’s important to understand that you can configure security filters based on relations and other attributes of the entity.
