Twin-brother of CoreIdentityAttributeValueFilter
This filter will give you access to a role only when the role has an attribute value that matches the filter
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new RoleAttributeValueFilter<uint>(c => c.Attribute.Id, 1, StringFilterBehaviour.EndsWith, "li", "string") |
The first generic is the type of the attribute id
The first parameter the chain to the attribute id
The second parameter the requested attribute id
The third parameter the requested search beavior
Equals - value 0
StartsWith - 1
EndsWith - 2
Contains - 3
The fourth parameter the search value
The fifth parameter the type of the serialized attribute value
On this site, all the security filters that only work for the IRole DB Entity are listed.
This security filter checks if a role attribute value exists that match the filter and then gives you access to a role entity.
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/// <typeparam name="TFilterPropertyType">The filter type you want to find the correct attribute values</typeparam>
/// <param name="subPropertyChain">Path to the property to filter the possible attribute values</param>
/// <param name="filterValue">The filter to search the attribute values to check</param>
/// <param name="attributeValueFilterBehaviour">Behaviour how to filter the attribute values based on attributeValueFilterValue</param>
/// <param name="attributeValueFilterValue">The filter value you want to apply to the attribute values</param>
/// <param name="attributeValueType">The type how the attribute value is serialized into the database</param>
RoleAttributeValueFilter<TFilterPropertyType> (Expression<Func<IRoleAttributeValue, TFilterPropertyType>> subPropertyChain, TFilterPropertyType filterValue, StringFilterBehaviour attributeValueFilterBehaviour, string attributeValueFilterValue, string attributeValueType) : base(c => c.RoleAttributeValues, subPropertyChain) |
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new RoleAttributeValueFilter<uint>(c => c.Attribute.Id, 1, StringFilterBehaviour.EndsWith, "li", "string") |