Parameter | Mandatory | Example | Description |
| ✅ | https://scim.webapp.com | The base url of the SCIM endpoint |
| ✅ ❌ | https://scim.webapp.com/login | The endpoint where the authentication for the SCIM endpoint has to be performed |
| ✅ ❌ | svc_cos | The user name to be used for authentication |
| ✅ ❌ | 🔑 * * * * * * * | The password of the user |
| ✅ | false | If the SSL handshake can not be performed because of invalid certificates. Be very cautions with this and only disable it if really necessary. |
| ✅ | Updates done via PATCH method | Defines with which HTTP method identity updates should be sent. Currently PATCH and PUT are supported |
| ✅ | Updates done via PATCH method | Defines with which HTTP method resource updates should be sent. Currently PATCH and PUT are supported |
| ✅ | false | If true, sets all the missing attributes on the entity sent back by the target system to the default values of their respective data types. Usually the target system sends back the whole entity with all attributes so this doesn’t need to be enabled. |