Each imported data record is imported immediately (and by its own) into the database. The according fast-track tasks are handled by the task handler, therefore the fast-track task ends up in the task-queue.
Code Block |
<TaskMode xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/iTsense.Moving.Backend.Common.TaskScheduler">Database</TaskMode> |
Every data record is written to the database immediately (and by its own). The according fast-track tasks are started by the task handler in the synchronous Synchronous mode, which means, that the task is not set into the queue but gets executed immediately.
Code Block |
<TaskMode xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/iTsense.Moving.Backend.Common.TaskScheduler">Synchronous</TaskMode> |
Standard mode. All imported data records get written to the database as soon as they are processed by the import (each on its own). There are no fast-track tasks setup, so the changes (for instance resource or role assignments for the newly imported data) will be applied by the according regular tasks.
Code Block |
<TaskMode xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/iTsense.Moving.Backend.Common.TaskScheduler">None</TaskMode> |
All imported data records get written to the database as soon as they are processed by the import (each on its own). The according fast-track tasks are collected up to bulks of 20 records and are set as bulk-fast-track tasks to the queue by the task-handler.
Code Block |
<TaskMode xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/iTsense.Moving.Backend.Common.TaskScheduler">Bulk</TaskMode> |
Import Configuration
To configure those task modes you have to edit the task parameters of the appropriate task. You can do so by changing the parameters in the table moving_appcustomer_900000.taskscheduler_task_params