Versions Compared


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SQL command type

Description / Remarks

SQL CreateIdentity

Stored procedure

SQL GetIdentityParameters

Select query (function)

SQL CheckIdentityExists

Select query (function)

SQL FindObjectIdentifiersByAttributes

Select query (function)

SQL UpdateIdentity

Stored procedure

SQL DeleteIdentity

Stored procedure

SQL ValidateCredentials

Not implemented

SQL IsIdentityActivate

Select query (function)

SQL ActivateIdentity

Stored procedure

SQL DeactivateIdentity

Stored procedure

SQL SetIdentityPassword

Not implemented

SQL IsPropertyValueUnique

Select query (function)

SQL GetResourcesFromIdentity

Select query (function)

SQL GetIdentityMembersByResourceIdentifier

Select query (function)

SQL AddIdentityToResource

Stored procedure

SQL RemoveIdentityFromResource

Stored procedure

SQL GetIdentity

Select query (function)

SQL CreateResource

Stored procedure

SQL GetResourceParameters

Select query (function)

SQL CheckResourceExists

Select query (function)

SQL UpdateResource

Stored procedure

SQL DeleteResource

Stored procedure

SQL GetResources

Select query (function)

SQL IsResourcePropertyValueUnique

Select query (function)

SQL GetResource

Select query (function)

SQL command types


Select Query (function)

This can be a simple SELECT query from a table or a view. It’s also possible to call a function inside a SELECT query.


System connector method

Input parameters

Excepted return value


SQL CreateIdentity

Stored procedure

  • Identity attributes, parameter names are taken from system_identity_type_attribute table

    Unique identifier of the identity from the target system

Creates the user in the target system

SQL GetIdentityParameters

Select query (function)

  • SQL replacement for identity identifier: {IDENTITY_ID}

  • SQL replacements for identity attributes: {system_identity_type_attribute name}

  • All identity parameters from the SELECT query

Returns all the user parameters of a user

SQL CheckIdentityExists

Select query (function)

  • SQL replacement for identity identifier: {IDENTITY_ID}

  • Result row(s) or nothing

Checks if the user in the target system exists, if rows are returned → true, else false

SQL FindObjectIdentifiersByAttributes

Select query (function)

  • SQL replacement for system identity type: {SYSTEM_IDENTITY_TYPE_ID}

  • SQL replacements for attribute values: {system_identity_type_attribute name}

  • Result rows with column name IDENTITY_ID

Finds object identifiers of users by their attribute values.

Returns all the object identifiers of users where the attributes values were found

SQL UpdateIdentity

Stored procedure

  • Identity identifier: IDENTITY_ID

  • Identity attributes, parameter names are taken from system_identity_type_attribute table


Updates a user with the attribute values

SQL DeleteIdentity

Stored procedure

  • Identity identifier: IDENTITY_ID


Deletes a user by their identity identifier

SQL ValidateCredentials

Not implemented




SQL IsIdentityActivate

Select query (function)

  • SQL replacement for identity identifier: {IDENTITY_ID}

  • SQL replacements for identity attributes: {system_identity_type_attribute name}

  • Result row(s) or nothing

Checks if the user in the target system is active, if rows are returned → true, else false

SQL ActivateIdentity

Stored procedure

  • Identity identifier: IDENTITY_ID


Activates a user in the target system

SQL DeactivateIdentity

Stored procedure

  • Identity identifier: IDENTITY_ID


Deactivates a user in the target system

SQL SetIdentityPassword

Not implemented




SQL IsPropertyValueUnique

Select query (function)

  • SQL replacement for unique property: {UNIQUEPROPERTY}

  • SQL replacement for unique property value: {UNIQUEPROPERTYVALUE}

  • Result row(s) or nothing

Checks if a property value is unique in the target system.

There are 3 cases that gets checked to determine if the property value is unique:

  • Returing more than one row:

    • Not unique → false

  • Returing 1 row:

    • If property value is on the user with the given user object id → Is unique → true

    • If the property value is on another user → Is unique → false

  • Returning now rows:

    • Is unique → true


  • Search value (optional)

  • Max results (optional)

  • Rows with the identities with the following column names:

    • Identifier: Unique user object id

    • DisplayName: Display name of the user

Gets all the identities.

Search value can be used for filtering the identities but this is optional.

Max results represents a number of how many results should be returned. Also optional.

Resource methods

System connector method

Input parameters

Excepted return value



Not implemented


Not implemented


  • Unique resource identifier

  • Single row with single column or nothing

Checks if the resource exists. Return nothing if it doesn’t.


Not implemented


Not implemented


Not implemented


Not implemented


Not implemented


Not implemented


Not implemented


Not implemented
