Id | Parameter | Data type | Example values | Description | |||||
1 | PluginList | JSON String Array |
| An array with all the supported logon methods. You can add your own by specifying the appropriate namespace in the plugin list. | |||||
2 | UseSSL | Bool | true | Whether or not to force the usage of SSL | |||||
3 | SSL-Certificate-Data | Encrypted String | * * * * * | If set, this certificate can be used to sign tokens | |||||
4 | SSL-Certificate-Password | Encrypted String | * * * * * | The password to the certificate data if needed | |||||
5 | SSL-Certificate-Format | String | “pfx” | The type of the certificate | |||||
9 | SMS-Provider-Type | String | "iTsense.CoreLogin2.Server.SmsProviders.LogConsoleSmsProvider,iTsense.CoreLogin2.Server" | The SMS provider implementation to use for sending SMS messages. Supported types:
| |||||
10 | SMS-Provider-Settings | String |
| The settings for the configured SMS provider as documented How-To configure SMS Gateway Service | |||||
11 | EnableRememberMe | Bool | true | Whether or not to show the Remember Me button on the authentication page | |||||
12 | RememberMeDuration in seconds | Int | 2592000 | The lifetime of the remember me cookie in seconds | |||||
13 | LoginCookieExpiration in seconds | Int | 900 | The lifetime of the login cookie in seconds | |||||
14 | LoginCookieExpiration is sliding | Bool | true | If the login cookie should follow a sliding period and therefore be extended with new requests | |||||
15 | TOTP-IssuerName | String | "COS AUTH DEV" | The name stored as as the issuer in TOTP process.
| |||||
16 | Enable LoginHistory | Bool | true | Whether or not to write login history entries upon each login request | |||||
17 | Block RemoteIp by invalid logon count | Bool | true | Whether or not to block clients based on their remote IP address after a given amount of invalid logon counts. | |||||
18 | Max invalid login count | Int | 5 | The amount of failed logon counts that will lead to a temporary block of the remote IP. | |||||
19 | Invalid login remember duration in seconds | Int | 300 | How many seconds a remote IP will be blocked after a he was | |||||
20 | LoginHistory: OnlyLatest | Bool | true | If set to true only the last login of a user will be logged. If set to false, each login of a user will be logged. | |||||
21 | Enable Welcome-Page | Bool | true | Whether or not to show the Welcome-Page on the IDP or to simply return a 404. | |||||
22 | Enable Console Logger | Bool | false | Whether or not to enable a console logger | |||||
23 | Enable DeveloperExceptionPage | Bool | false | Whether or not to enable the developer exception pages | |||||
24 | Enable Log4Net | Bool | true | Whether or not to enable the Log4Net configuration. | |||||
25 | Backend API URI | String | The URL to the backend API | ||||||
26 | Backend API-HttpClientSettings |
| Any HTTPClients settings for the backend connection if needed. IgnoreSslErrors: Do not throw an error if the SSL certificate is not valid | ||||||
27 | ReCaptchaKey | String | “AD34FAE” | The Google ReCaptcha Key | |||||
28 | ReCaptchaSecret | String | “FFFFAD34FAE” | The Google ReCaptcha Secret | |||||
29 | Verify email address | Bool | true | Whether or not users need to verify their mail | |||||
30 | Trusted email address hosts regex | String | ".*(itsense.ch|coreone.ch)" | Domains to exclude from the verify email address process | |||||
31 | Reverify email address | Bool | true | Whether or not users need to reverify their mail address on a periodically basis | |||||
32 | Reverify email address every x days | Int | 90 | After how many days of the last verification date users need to reverify their mail address | |||||
33 | Password complexity configuration |
| |||||||
35 | DisablePasswordReset |
| |||||||
36 | Default logonmethods allowed during secret reset (EmptyEntry => No Verification) |
| |||||||
37 | OutgoingConnectionsHttpClientSettings |
| Any HTTPClients settings for outgoing connections if needed. IgnoreSslErrors: Do not throw an error if the SSL certificate is not valid | ||||||
39 | Subject-Prefix | String | ‘c1s’ | The prefix for the subject. The subject will always the the prefix + “:” + the unique identifier.
| |||||
40 | ShowTermsAndConditions | Bool | true | Whether or not the terms and conditions feature is active | |||||
41 | ShowPrivacyPolicy | Bool | true | Whether or not the privacy policy feature is active | |||||
42 | CoreOne Suite Web Url |
| |||||||
44 | Contact page feedback URL |
| |||||||
45 | Password Generator Type |
| |||||||
46 | SamlTimeComparisonTolerance | Int | |||||||
47 | AwsSnsAccessKeyId | Encrypted String | * * * * | The AWS SNS Access Key Id | |||||
48 | AwsSnsAccessKeySecret | Encrypted String | * * * * | The AWS SNS Access Key Secret | |||||
49 | SamlRequestTrustLengthInMinutes | Int | 10 | The SAML Message Trust Length | |||||
50 | EnableFireEventInvalidLogin | Bool | true | Whether or not to fire an invalid login event. You can register to that event an inform users about attempted logins. | |||||
51 | MaxInvalidLoginCountWithoutFiringEvent | Int | 5 | The amount of invalid logins that are allowed by the remote IP before an invalid login event is fired. | |||||
52 | FireEventInvalidLoginCacheDurationInMinutes | Int | 5 | How many minutes the invalid logins should be cached. | |||||
53 | DisableReactivation | Bool | true | Whether or not to disable the reactivation process on the authentication page. | |||||
54 | DisableActivation | Bool | true | Whether or not to disable the activation process on the authentication page. | |||||
56 | HowManyPastPasswordsToStore | Int | 10 | In order to provide a password history the authentication service will mark old passwords as deleted. This settings indicates how many of those should be stored. | |||||
57 | Totp Valdiator Type |
| |||||||
58 | SupportedCultures | JSON String Array |
| The supported UI languages. You can remove or add entries. | |||||
59 | DefaultCulture | String | “DE” | The default culture to use | |||||
60 | NtpTimeServers | JSON String Array |
| By default the Authentication Service uses some predefined NTP servers to do a time sync that is needed for TOTP validation. You can change those defaults here. | |||||
61 | NistTimeServers | JSON String Array |
| By default the Authentication Service uses some predefined NIST servers to do a time sync that is needed for TOTP validation. You can change those defaults here. | |||||
62 | HttpTimeServers | JSON String Array |
| By default the Authentication Service uses some predefined HTTP servers to do a time sync that is needed for TOTP validation. You can change those defaults here. | |||||
63 | BackendApiUriV2 | String | The URL of the backend API V2 | ||||||
100 | InstanceRandomBytes | String | "0EDeH/p/asdfasdf+o=" | Random bytes to sign tokens (if not signed with a certificate) | |||||
101 | SigningCredentialsData | Encrypted String | * * * * | The credentials to the signing certificate if needed | |||||
102 | SigningCredentialsFormat | String | "CertStore" | The format of the signing certificate | |||||
103 | SigningCredentialsStoreCertificateSubjectDistinguishedName | String | "CN=coslogin.local, OU=Development, O=ITSENSE AG, L=Aarau, S=AG, C=CH" | The DN of the signing certificate if configured | |||||
104 | WsFederationPluginLicensee | Encrypted String | * * * * | The licence information for the plugin | |||||
105 | WsFederationPluginLicenseKey | Encrypted String | * * * * | The licence key for the plugin | |||||
106 | SamlPluginLicensee | Encrypted String | * * * * | The licence information for the plugin | |||||
107 | SamlPluginLicenseKey | Encrypted String | * * * * | The licence key for the plugin | |||||
108 | EnableInactivityLogout |
| |||||||
110 | EnablePortal |
| |||||||
111 | OperationalStateCleanupSleepInMinutes | Int | 60 | How often the operational state clean up should be performed | |||||
112 | OperationalStateCleanupOlderThanInMinutes | Int | 720 | Data that is older than this value will be cleaned | |||||
113 | WelcomePageRedirectUrl | string | https://www.mycompany.com | If the user lands on the Welcome Page of the Authentication Service, he will be redirected to the configured URL automatically |